Dentist Orthodontic Buccal Tube 1st Molar Bond Sgl 022 Roth/MBT Monoblock az

Dentist Orthodontic Buccal Tube 1st Molar Bond Sgl 022 Roth/MBT Monoblock az
Dentist Orthodontic Buccal Tube 1st Molar Bond Sgl 022 Roth/MBT Monoblock az

Dentist Orthodontic Buccal Tube 1st Molar Bond Sgl 022 Roth/MBT Monoblock az

The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies.

1 each set contain 4pcs (UL1pc, UR1pc, LL1pc, LR1pc). For 1st Molar Single Tube Roth 0.022 Bondable Convertible.

Tracking info of your parcel is available. All items must keep original condition with all accessories.
Dentist Orthodontic Buccal Tube 1st Molar Bond Sgl 022 Roth/MBT Monoblock az